
You can create triggers that perform specific actions when certain conditions are met. For example, you can fine-tune proactive invitations so that they are more likely to increase website conversion rates.

Follow the steps to open triggers:

  1. Login using your admin account.
  2. Go to Chat -> Trigger.


Conditional trigger values can be combined using AND/OR logic. The available conditions are described below.

  1. Agent presence: checks the online status of available agents.
  2. Visitor's Country: checks the Visitor's Country.
  3. Visitor's Location: checks the Visitor's Location.
  4. URL of the current page: checks the Visitor's URL.
  5. Title of the current page: checks the Title of the current page.
  6. Hour of the day: checks the Hour of the day.
  7. Day of the week: checks the Day of the week.
  8. Time on page: Time spent by the visitor on page.


The Action setting allows you to define the action based on the trigger rule conditions. Each rule can have only a single action.

  1. open_offline: Open the form to send an email & create a ticket.
  2. agent_message: Display a message on behalf of the agent in the chat.
  3. hide: Hide the widget.
  4. system_message:
    • Display a system message in the chat.
    • System messages will also appear in the minimized view.

While the organization setup, the following default triggers will be created and set as inactive by default:

  • Redirect to contact via email if agents are offline
  • Proactive invitation on every page
  • Proactive System during business hours.

Chat: default triggers