Chat slack integration

Chat to your users straight from slack, get notified when a new conversation is started from neetoChat.

  • Get notified when a user starts a conversation from the neetoChat.
  • Reply to and close the conversations.

Here is how to get started,

Integrate Slack

First switch to Neeto-chat App, then Integrations > App Store

Click Install for slack, this will enable slack integrations for the organization. After installing click on the settings icon which
open up a slider. Here you can see the instructions to integrate slack ( click on Start slack auth ).

Next, sign into the Slack account you’d like to integrate, and authorize Neeto-help’s access to Slack.

Once you're set up, here's how to set up notifications for your customers' activity in Slack.

Get Slack Notifications

  • Select any slack channel for receiving notifications from the neetoChat, you can either create a new channel or select an existing channel.
    Once the notification channel is selected all the notifications will be send to this channel.

  • Any conversation initiated from the neetoChat will be notified in the channel that you've set as the notification channel.
  • The conversation will be received in the newly created channel