Inbox lists out all the conversations and the agent can select any of the open conversations from the list from the Conversation list area under the open tab and can provide customer support through chat.
Follow the steps to open Inbox:
1. Login using your admin account.
2. Go to `Chat -> Inbox`.
The inbox view has 3 panes as follows:
1. The Conversation list area list out all the open & closed conversations. The agent can toggle between the list of open or closed tickets using the tabs provided at the top of the conversation list pane.
2. The messenger area has the selected conversation, and it lists out all the messages of the conversation. Here the agent can reply to the conversation if the chat is open using the message composer at the bottom.
3. The third pane is the visitor info area, it has the details of site visitors of that conversation which shows the Activity timeline, Returning visitor chat count, Pre/Post question responses & system info of the visitor.